Once upon a time, Brene Brown’s first TedTalk changed my homeschool life.
Quite literally. It changed my mind, my approach to myself, and others.
Because I know how impacting it was on my homeschool family life, I share the lessons how boundaries changed my homeschool life.
That challenging morning when I hit the wall in my homeschool life, I realized I didn’t know who I was beyond a burned-out homeschool mama.
- I knew I didn’t want to homeschool anymore.
- I knew I was done with managing interpersonal conflict.
- And I certainly was tired of forcing kids to sit down and learn.
What I didn’t understand was that a very large part of WHY I was dealing with burnout was because I didn’t have a strong sense of my needs, how I wanted to engage in relationships, and I had no idea who I was beyond homeschool mom.
How boundaries changed my homeschool life.
If you had asked me what I did for myself then, I might have shared…
Most Wednesday evenings I went to Starbucks for a pumpkin spice latte and a scone and wrote my heart out.
I wrote about why I loved homeschooling. I wrote why I didn’t. And I wrote how kid interactions were exhausting me, what wasn’t working and how I wish it were different, yet how it was better than the school lifestyle, for sure.
But this act of regular Starbucksing was just keeping my head above water.
Surviving. Not thriving.
And one fateful February day, I had a hit the wall experience that shifted everything! (You can listen or watch me share about it here.)
Over the next few years, I learned a few lessons that radically shifted how I approached myself, my relationships, and my thoughts.
Here are the six things I learned how boundaries changed my homeschool life.
1. When we get connected to our feelings, identify them, and learn what they’re telling us, we grow in greater insight. We become kind to ourselves. And therefore, naturally respond kindly to others too.
2. We can relate symbiotically to the benefit of us and the other person. We can appreciate being with them, but also feel secure when we’re not with them.
3. Sometimes we see behaviour in our kids that we don’t want to see. We know it won’t be an adult-functional behaviour. We know they won’t benefit in their relationships if they show up in their childlike state. So we gently lead them in learning what they need to learn, all the while acknowledging that we can’t make them change their behaviour.
(Oh, we will surely try at times, because that’s what some of us do, and we know that we’re imprinting them, influencing them, coaching them, and we deeply care.) And yet, we will always discover, at the end of our days, that we are not in control of them, we’re just influencing them.
4. With or without research, I have seen it in myself and I’ve seen it in others, that when I identify how I feel, identify how my body feels, and can succinctly describe my feelings with clarity, I feel less overwhelmed by those feelings.
I’ve also learned that those intense feelings don’t last. They always pass. No matter how intense they may be.
And the last two lessons learned on how boundaries changed my homeschool life…
And this “off the beaten path” approach compels us to strengthen the muscle of being different. Which compels us toward independence.
If you want to do a deeper dive in becoming more you, watch the video below…
Wondering how boundaries and authenticity intersect in your homeschool mom journey?
As a Certified Life Coach and homeschool mentor, I’m here to help you shed what’s not working, so you can thrive in your homeschool and life.
Ever thought about the link between authenticity and boundaries? Being your authentic self means valuing YOU as much as others, leading to setting clear, healthy boundaries. As Brené Brown puts it, compassion and boundaries go hand in hand.
How authentically are you showing up in your homeschool life? Let’s assess with five questions:
- Are your daily activities aligned with your values?
- Are your emotions genuine or masked based on who you’re with?
- Do you feel comfortable and genuine in your interactions?
- Do you feel at ease in your life, present and alive?
- Are you addressing your needs too?
If you want to create space and time for you to explore some of these things, consider joining me in coaching. Book a no-obligation conversation to learn more.
Rediscover Yourself Beyond Homeschool Mom Guidebook
NURTURING YOU: A Digital Workbook for Homeschool Moms | Instant Download
Rediscover yourself beyond homeschooling with this 14-page guide. Packed with exercises for creativity, self-awareness, and personal growth — perfect for busy moms looking for balance and “me time.”
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